2025 Municipal Election - Your Vote Counts!
Election Day is October 20, 2025. You have an oppurtunity to vote for one (1) Mayor and six (6) Councillors to govern for the next 4-year period. Advance Polling dates will be shared once details are confirmed.

2025 Municipal Election
Residents of the Town of High River have the opportunity to cast their ballots for one (1) Mayor and six (6) Councillors to govern for the next four-year period.
Candidates and residents will find important information about the Municipal Election, Candidate Information, and additional resources below. More information and details will be provided as it become available and throughout 2025.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates and keep checking back for updates.
Candidate Nomination Process:
Nomination Period Opens January 1, 2025
Alberta's official election day is Monday, October 20, 2025. More information will be shared as the date draws closer.
The nomination period opens on January 1, 2025. Prospective candidates must schedule a time with the Town's Returning Officer to submit completed notice of intent and nomination forms.
Please note: The Town of High River Municipal Election Bylaw 4632/2024 requires that candidates provide:
- Signatures of at least 15 electors who reside within the Town.
- A criminal record check completed within 3 months of submission.
This page will be updated frequently to provide the most current information, links, and Election Guides.
If you have questions about the 2025 Municipal Election, please contact:
- Jody Hipkin, Returning Officer
- Email: elections@highriver.ca
- Phone: 403.652.2110
Election Resources and Candidate Information
Candidate Forms
The nomination forms are as follows:
Recent legislative changes now require candidates to file a notice of intent with the location of their campaign records and details of their financial institution(s) for their campaign.
Nomination Paper and Candidate's Acceptance - Candidate's Financial Information 2025
Nomination Period
Nomination Period begins on January 1, 2025.
Nomination Papers must be filed by NOON on September 22, 2025.
Roles & Responsibilities of Council
The Council is the governing body of the municipal corporation and the custodian of its powers, both legislative and administrative.
The Municipal Government Act (MGA) provides that councils can only exercise the powers of the municipal corporation in the proper form, either by bylaw or resolution.
Under the MGA, councillors have the duty to:
- Consider the welfare and interests of the municipality as a whole and, to bring to council's attention anything that would promote the welfare or interests of the municipality
- Participate generally in developing and evaluating the policies and programs of the municipality
- Participate in council meetings and Council committee meetings and meetings of other bodies they are appointed to by the Council
- Obtain information about the operation or administration of the municipality from the Chief Administrative Officer
- Keep in confidence matters discussed in private at a Council meeting until discussed at a meeting held in public
- Perform any other duty or function imposed on councillors by this or any other enactment or by the council.
What Every Councillor Needs to Know
Coming soon!
Candidate Guide: Running for Municipal Office in High River
If you are intending to run for municipal office, A Candidate’s Guide: Running for Municipal Office in High River offers information regarding eligibility to run, nominations, campaigning, collecting campaign contributions and incurring campaign-related expenses.
Council Remuneration & Reimbursement
The Council Remuneration Task Force has been established to determine Mayor and Council remuneration rates for each new Council term. The Remuneration Task Force shall perform an independent market analysis of Alberta municipalities of similar size with similar Mayor and Council Tasks. This market analysis shall include Council salaries, honorariums and expenses every election year. A report with recommendations shall be Presented to Council prior to the election date. The outgoing Council will then determine base salaries for the following Council Term.
- Open Vacancies: 5
- Council Remuneration Policy
Additional Candidate Resources
2021 Official Election Results
October 18, 2021
For Immediate Release
High River – The Town of High River is pleased to share the official results of the 2021 Municipal Election. High River residents have elected a Mayor and Council that will govern over the next four years.
Craig Snodgrass has been re-elected as Mayor for a third term.
The following candidates have been elected as Councillors and will form our new Town Council:
- Michael Nychyk
- Jamie Kinghorn
- Jenny Jones
- Jamie Barton
- Kelly Killick-Smit
- Brenda Walsh
The newly elected Mayor and Council will be sworn in Monday, October 25 with Senator Tannas officiating the ceremony. The official ceremony will be live streamed. Details on the live stream will be posted on the Town of High River social media and website in the coming days.
Final 2021 Municipal Election Count:
Jeff Langford – 1586
Craig Snodgrass* – 2626
Jamie Barton* – 1866
Ken Bayliff – 538
Terry G. Coleman – 1546
Dominick Dodge – 560
Deborah Gauger – 1529
Jenny Jones* – 2255
Kelly Killick-Smit* – 1860
Jamie Kinghorn* – 2310
David Moretta – 1737
Michael Nychyk* – 2409
Rylan Siggelkow – 1704
Monty Stafford – 1232
Dominick VonRaven – 276
Brenda Walsh* – 1769
4078 residents voted in the local Aquatic Facility Referendum. The preliminary results are as follows: 1866 voted YES, 2212 voted NO.
Results of the referendum vote are being provided to new Town Council for consideration and final decision and will be shared with residents at a future Council meeting.
Final Voting Numbers
- High River has approximately 11,000 eligible voters based on 2019 Census
- 3383 total voters in 2017
- 5014 total voters in 2021
- 48% total voter increase in 2021 vs 2017
- 46% of the approximate eligible voters based on the 2019 Census voted in the 2021 Election
Returning Officer Jody Hipkin Email: elections@highriver.ca | Substitute Returning Officer Sonja Coleman Email: elections@highriver.ca |
Your Vote Counts!
Returning Officer:
Jody Hipkin, Manager of Legislative Services
309B Macleod Trail SW, High River, Alberta, T1V 1Z5
Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Substitute Returning Officer
Sonja Coleman, Director of Corporate & Community Support
309B Macleod Trail SW, High River, Alberta, T1V 1Z5
Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm