
Current Road Closures & Construction

Stay informed about the latest road closures and ongoing construction projects in your area. Plan your routes, avoid delays, and ensure a smooth journey. Check back regularly for real-time updates on construction progress and any disruptions to your daily commute.

Town of High River Construction

Please stay tuned to and our social media channels for road and pathway closures and minor construction projects.

Construction is an essential part of our community's growth and development, and it is essential residents stay in the know! Below is a map of the current Town of High River construction projects. Town staff will regularly maintain this page, and updates will be posted regularly.

Residents and businesses will be notified if any projects directly affect them.

Stay in the know!

We're here to help, contact us!
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309B Macleod Trail S.W., High River, Alberta

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Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (Closed on statutory holidays)

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COVID-19 Information

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Frequently Requested Bylaws

Report a Concern