Terms & Conditions

The following lays out the terms and conditions for visiting highriver.ca


The Town of High River uses this web page to provide information about the Town administration functions, council and governance and to promote Town programs and services.

The Town of High River may also monitor social networking content for factuality and appropriateness and will make reasonable efforts to ensure that content it posts on the website and social sites is accurate at the time of posting. However, it is in the nature of communications that accuracy and timeliness are not guaranteed and may not be reliable; as such, the user acknowledges that the Town of High River makes no such guarantees.

Report all website issues to communications@highriver.ca.

Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting the Town of High River website.

We are committed to protecting and maintaining the privacy of all our visitors, and any information collected from you via this website will only be used by the Town of High River (the 'Town') to assist us in creating a better website to meet your needs. This Privacy Statement summarizes the privacy practices of the Town in connection with this website and all related information systems and applications operated by or under the control of the Town.

As a local public body, the Town is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP).