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Residential Garbage Collection

Please set your garbage cart out by 7 am on your collection day and leave at least 3 feet around your bin to make pick-up easier for large equipment.

Garbage Collection

The Town of High River provides weekly automated garbage collection services to over 5,000 single-family homes and residences.

The Town reserves the right to refuse garbage or give fines for reasons such as improperly prepared garbage, prohibited items, excessive quantities, or collection carts placed in unsafe or non-compliant locations.

For more information and a complete list of fines, view our Solid Waste Bylaw.

To learn more about your weekly garbage collection day, visit our Garbage Collection Map.

Guidelines for Effective Garbage Collection

  • Set out collection carts no later than 7:00 am on collection day.
  • Do not set out collection carts before 7:00 pm the evening before collection.
  • Remove all collection carts from streets or lanes by 8:00 pm on collection day.
  • Place all household and commercial garbage in plastic bags before putting them in the collection cart.
  • Do not dispose of household garbage in public trash cans.
  • To prevent loose garbage from spilling during collection, ensure all waste is bagged, securely tied, and placed inside your designated bin.

Garbage Collection Steps

We're here to help, contact us!
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640 7 Street N.W. High River, Alberta

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Public Works Office: 7:00 am - 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday (Closed on statutory holidays)

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