Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan
Local strategies to build community resilience and take proactive steps to adapt to Climate Change

Local Strategies to Build Community Resilience and Take Proactive Steps to Adapt to Climate Change
January 2024 - In the News!
- Alberta Municipalities has published a Project Showcase on their website featuring High River’s Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan.
They have shared that, "The lessons from this project will be a valuable resource for other local governments looking to learn more about adaptation planning in their own communities."
High River’s first Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan
High River is taking a significant stride towards a more sustainable and resilient future with the adoption of the Town’s first Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan.
- View the Completed Plan (final, PDF)
- Click to open and print a two-page summary (image can be viewed in the accordion below)
The Town received $80,000 in funding to support the plan's development. The Town of High River acknowledges the support of the Government of Alberta, which is funding this project through the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre’s Climate Resilience Capacity Building Program.
Minister of Environment and Protected Areas, Rebecca Schulz, applauded the community’s work. “Nobody knows better than the people living and working in High River what works best and what actions you should take,” she said. “Alberta’s government is proud to support communities across the province. I’m looking forward to hearing more as High River moves forward with its plan.”
High River’s Town Council formally adopted the plan at the November 27 meeting after a thorough review of community input and feedback. A Task Force made up of community members, Administration and a member of Council worked together to ensure community knowledge and experience are reflected in the final plan.
Mayor Craig Snodgrass expressed thanks to the community for their ongoing feedback and interest in these forward-thinking plans. “Our commitment to climate resilience reflects the values of our community, which experienced impacts of climate change with the 2013 flood. We’ve demonstrated first-hand how communities can be resilient and rebound,” he stated. “This year, High River offered its expertise and advice to communities hit by record-wildfires in Alberta and elsewhere. Through implementing the Climate Change and Adaptation Action Plan, we will continue to protect our residents, help others and learn new things as we work together through the list of projects.”
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More information below:
Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan Information and Resources
Plan Implementation, Purpose and Summary
Developing High River’s first Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan
- View the Completed Plan (final, PDF)
Fifty-five adaptation measures are identified in the plan. The Town is responsible for implementing the measures. Staff teams will work to implement short, medium, and long term projects to support each of the adaptation measures. The plan's goals are to:
- Build capacity within the community to understand the impacts of climate change.
- Identify actions that will build resiliency in the community.
- Draw on the experiences and knowledge of High River residents and engage with students.

The Town received $80,000 in funding to support the plan's development. The Town of High River acknowledges the support of the Government of Alberta, which is funding this project through the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre’s Climate Resilience Capacity Building Program. The Municipal Climate Change Action Centre is a collaborative effort of Alberta Municipalities, Rural Municipalities of Alberta, and the Government of Alberta. The Town will continue to seek future grants and opportunities for funding over the coming years.
Climate Change in High River - What is it and how do we address it?
- To view the January 17 Open House Presentation about Climate Change CLICK HERE (PDF)
- Thumbnail images below will open larger images in the Open House presentation
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You Can Make a Difference!
Listen to Mayor Snodgrass's presentation to the Climate Change Webinar Recorded February 28, 2023
Listen again! Climate Change Webinar Recording
Recorded on February 28, 2023
In this online presentation Mayor Craig Snodgrass Shares High River's Story: Turning Adversity into Opportunity
- Listen to the recording - CLICK HERE. This will open the Introduction Page of the host Climate West.
- All Recording information and links to the presentation slides can be found on this page.
- Mayor Snodgrass's presentation starts at the 25 minute mark
- Go straight to YouTube for the presentation only - Click here and forward the bar to the 25 - minute mark for the Mayor's presentation.

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309B Macleod Trail S.W., High River, Alberta
Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (Closed on statutory holidays)
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