FCSS Programs and Resources
Whether you are looking for information or support, FCSS helps connect you to the resources available through FCSS and other community and Government programs.

The Town of High River’s FCSS helps connect people with resources to help with food and essentials, senior supports, health and mental wellness, financial assistance, housing and more. We are here to help.
To learn more about funding and grant opportunities within our community, please visit out Funding and Grant Opportunities page.
Volunteer Income Tax Program
- Through the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program, community organizations host free tax clinics where volunteers file tax returns for eligible people. FCSS is a CVIPT location.
- You may qualify if your income is within the eligible limits and is not business income. Call us to find out if you qualify.
Affordable Housing
Affordable Housing Application
Other community housing resources:
Community Access Program
The Community Access Program (CAP) provides discounts on many town programs, activities and support services to residents that meet specified qualifications. Eligible participants receive CAP cards.
CAP card holders are eligible for:
- 50% off all programs offered in the Town of High River Community Program Guide (day camps excluded)
- 50% off admissions to the Bob Snodgrass Recreation complex and Cargill Field House
- FCSS volunteer income tax program
- High River library card
For more information, view the following:
FCSS Community Grant Program
Every year, High River’s FCSS provides grants to community organizations through funding from the Province of Alberta and Town of High River. In 2025, $75,000 will be available for eligible programs. Programs must meet the FCSS mandate and eligibility guidelines set by the province.
For more information, visit our Funding and Grant Opportunities page.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Town of High River actively promotes volunteerism in the community among residents and visitors.
- For information on our Volunteer Driver or Snow Angels program, please connect with the FCSS team.
Contact: Kate Tymstra at 403-603-3426 or ktymstra@highriver.ca - For other volunteer opportunities in and around High River, visit the Volunteer Connector Website
We're here to help, contact us!
FCSS Resource Centre, 251 9 Ave SW, High River, Alberta, T1V 1A4
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm
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