High River Town Plan 2024 - 2044
The Town Plan is a living document that reflects the community’s vision and includes a process to remain current as Town priorities and local issues change.

Guiding High River to 2044
The High River Town Plan was officially adopted by Council on October 28, 2024. Final approval is a significant step forward, as the Town Plan will guide future development, growth and planning decisions for High River from now to 2044. Also known as a Municipal Development Plan, is a vital document that acts as a roadmap to guide the Town’s future development and planning decisions. It is also a requirement under the Municipal Government Act and replaces the former 2009 Town Plan. The new Town Plan includes a long-term vision of what life in High River will look like in 20 years
Development of the draft plan was a cooperative effort of the Town Plan Task Force, established in 2022. Task force members included volunteers representing High River residents and Town Council members. They worked closely with Town Administration and engaged the community extensively to envision the "High River of the future."
- Read the October 28, 2024 Council Report (link to large document)
- View the final Town Plan
Next steps
The Town’s Planning and Development Division will immediately begin the work to implement the newly adopted Town Plan. For each policy, it will be identified which divisions are accountable to carry out objectives and policies, and timelines will be established. Regular reports will be provided to High River Town Council and to the community.
Town Plan Information
What are the Goals of the new Town Plan?
“Daring to be different,” the Town Plan goals are intentionally kept simple, with measurable and achievable objectives, all supported by clear policies.
The nine goals of the new Town Plan are:
- Protecting Small Town Feel Through Responsible Growth Management
- High River’s Parks and Open Spaces are Year-Round Facilities Actively Used by Individuals and Groups of All Ages
- High River is Committed to Being a Healthcare Centre of Excellence in Improving Community Healthcare and Well-being for All
- High River is a Vibrant, Interdependent Community Accessible to All Ages and Abilities for Sharing Social and Cultural Connections
- High River Protects its Natural Environment Now and For Future Generations
- High River is a Regional Hub for Health Care, Agricultural Support and Innovative Small Business
- High River Community Growth is Purpose-Driven, Balanced and Pays for Itself
- High River Existing Infrastructure Use is Optimized to its Full Extent
- High River is a Compact and Walkable Community
Objectives and Policies related to the above goals can be read in the Town Plan document.
Role of the Town Plan Task Force
To develop and define High River’s long-term vision, the Town created a Town Plan Task Force to share their knowledge of our community and ensure a community-driven process.
Task Force members worked alongside the Administration project team to create a document that reflects the vision and hopes for "High River of the future." They also assisted with the vision, goals, objectives, policies, and overall format and organization of the final Town Plan - with a focus on keeping it simple, measurable and achievable.
For the duration of the project, members regularly engaged with and listened to the community. Residents, businesses, community organizations, developers, youth, school divisions and other interest groups shared their vision and hopes for "High River of the future,” resulting in a unique plan that reflects our community’s aspirations.
The work of the Town Plan Task Force members is acknowledged in the Town Plan. Task Force community members included:
- Ed Cameron, Member at Large and Chairperson
- Blair McNaughton, Member at Large
- David Moretta, Member at Large
- Kevin Generoux, Member at Large
- Lorraine Watson, Member at Large
- Alexander Constantin, Youth Representative
- Kendah Elwan, Youth Representative
Town Plan Task Force, Members of Council
- Craig Snodgrass, Mayor
- Jamie Barton, Town Councillor
- Jenny Jones, Town Councillor
- Kelly Killick-Smit, Town Councillor
How was the Town Plan Developed?
The journey to create a new Town Plan began in March, 2022 with the first meeting of the project team and the newly created Town Plan Task Force, comprised of community representatives.
Town Plan Community Engagement started in April 2022
- Residents and others were invited to drop in at locations around the community to share what matters the most to them, and to chat about High River’s future. The key question residents were asked was: What should High River look like in 2042?
Summer 2022 - Continued engagement opportunities
- Members of the community, including students, seniors, residents, business owners, attended drop-ins and pop-ups, and other opportunities to chat with Task Force members.
- During this time, many emails and telephone calls were also received, contributing to information gathering.
The Town Plan community conversation focused on the following themes:
- Business, community, and economic development
- The natural environment, open spaces, and recreation areas
- Future growth and what you want High River to look like in 2042
- Transportation and how we get around
- Things you like most about High River and things you want to see explored in the future
- Infrastructure and what supports our basic needs
- Challenges or opportunities that you see for the Town over the next 20 years
Fall 2022 - What We Heart Report
- A What We Heard Report summarizing community ideas and feedback was shared with residents.
- Residents were invited to an Open House in September, 2022 to provide more feedback on some of the big ideas and themes brought forward by the community. Residents were also invited to drop-ins at the Rec Complex and Library and community pop-ups to chat with the Town Plan team.
2023 - Drafting the new Town Plan
- Community engagement laid the groundwork for the first draft of the new Town Plan, prepared over the following year, with ongoing meetings of the Town Plan Task Force.
- Task Force members worked alongside the Administration project team to create a document that reflects the vision and hopes for "High River of the future." They also assisted with the vision, goals, objectives, policies, and overall format and organization of the final Town Plan - with a focus on keeping it simple, measurable and achievable.
- Preparation of maps, tables, graphics and formatting of the draft plan ensure the plan was ready for community review in the new year.
January 2024 - Community Review of the Draft Town Plan
- A Town Plan Open House at the Highwood Centre in High River provided the community with an opportunity to review the Draft Town Plan, ask questions, and share feedback.
- The Draft Town Plan was presented to Council, with a Public Hearing in May, 2024.
- Comments received on the Draft Town Plan were addressed with a final draft plan submitted to the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB).
Town Plan Adopted by Council - October 28, 2024
- The CMRB approved the new Town Plan in September, 2024.
- A second and third reading of the Town Plan Bylaw were held by the Town of High River Council, which adopted the new Town Plan at its Regular Meeting on October 28. 2024.
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309B Macleod Trail S.W., High River, Alberta
Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (Closed on statutory holidays)
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