Corporate Properties & Risk Management
Corporate Properties & Risk Management is responsible for public incident and claims management.

Corporate Properties & Risk Management serves as a resource to provide cost effective, professional management of:
- Municipal assets and the related legal agreements for users, tenants and operators of those assets;
- Municipal insurance program including incident and claims management;
- Municipal Business Continuity Plan; and
- Municipal Risk Management.
Corporate Properties & Risk Management works with members of the community under the following circumstances:
- Community Safety for reports of hazards or damages
- Land Purchases and Sales
More Details
Report a Concern
If you have a general minor concern related to Town Services you can report it through Report a Concern. We will look into your concern and follow up with you. Areas described for the concern you're reporting include, but are not limited to:
- Animal Concern
- Bylaw Services Request
- Garbage, Recycling, and Yard Waste
- Water, Storm, Sewer
- Parks, Trees, Green Spaces
- Roads, Sidewalks, Potholes
- Snow & Ice
- Construction
- Other
Note: These forms are only reviewed during business hours, Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM (MT)
If you have a noticed a significant concern, please see the detailed drop down information items below that pertain to specific concerns.
In Case of Emergency
If this is an emergency and you require immediate assistance please contact the following:
Operations Centre at 403-652-4657 (After Hours, Weekends and Holidays at 403-603-3494) OR;
High River RCMP at 403-652-2357 OR;
Bylaw Services at 403-603-3643 (Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (MT))
Community Hazard or Damage
I have noticed a hazard or damage in the community that may cause harm. What should I do?
If you observe a hazard or damage in the community, please complete the General Public Reporting Form and ensure the following details are clear and legible:
- Your name, address, phone number.
- Date, time, and location of hazard or damages (address or closest intersection).
You may submit the form by email, fax or regular mail and our Corporate Properties & Risk Management division will respond to your inquiry within three business days of receipt.
Corporate Properties and Risk Management contact information:
- Email: cprm@highriver.ca
- Fax: 403-652-2396, Attn: Risk Management
- Address:
- Attn: Risk Management:
- 309B Macleod Trail SW,
- High River, Alberta T1V 1Z5
Personal Property Damage
My property has been damaged as a result of Town municipal operational activity. What should I do?
If you have suffered a loss for which you believe the Town of High River may be responsible, record the details of when and how the damage occurred; include the date, time and location. If possible, take photographs, identify the company, equipment or event that you believe caused the damage.
Should I call my insurance company?
Yes. Your insurance policy may provide coverage for this type of loss. Your insurance company or broker can provide you with this information. If the Town is liable, your insurance company may try to recover the amount of your deductible, as well as the claim they paid on your behalf. Based on the findings of an investigation, compensation will only be provided if the Town is legally liable for the damage. Town employees are not permitted to discuss the circumstances nor liability with third parties.
What should I do with my damaged property?
If possible, document your damages with photographs, original invoices and bills of sale. Keep any damaged property available for inspections at a later date.
Should I notify the Town about my damages?
Yes, please notify the Town within 30 days as the Town will conduct an investigation to determine the cause of the damage and provide direction based on the findings. Compensation will only be provided if the Town is legally liable for the damage. The Town tracks all incidents for statistical analysis and improved safety for our community. You need to complete and submit the General Public Reporting Form to Risk Management at:
- Email: cprm@highriver.ca
- Fax: 403-652-2396, Attn: Risk Management
- Address:
- Attn: Risk Management:
- 309B Macleod Trail SW,
- High River, Alberta T1V 1Z5
Sewer Back-ups
What causes a sewer back-up?
Most sewer back-ups happen for reasons such as old lateral pipes, roots in the lateral pipe, sags on the lateral line, or an overload on the system.
What is the sewer lateral?
The sewer lateral is the underground pipe that runs from your building to the Town sewer main. The lateral crosses both your yard and the Town boulevard to connect to the Town sewer main. The property owner is responsible for cleaning of the sewer lateral.
What is the Town sewer main?
The Town sewer main runs underneath the roadway, collecting waste from sewer laterals and transporting it to a sewage treatment facility.
What can I do to help prevent the sewer lateral from plugging?
Be careful of what is placed in the sewer. Do not put grease, facial tissue, feminine hygiene products or other non-degradable products down the sewer. Rags and toys are common causes for back-ups.
What should I do to protect my property and belongings from a sewer back-up?
Consult a plumbing contractor to discuss installing a backwater valve in the sewer line at your property.
What should I do in the event of a sewer back-up?
Call Operations at 403-652-4657 (Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.) or after hours at 403-603-3494. Operations staff will attend the site and ensure that Town sewer mains are running and not causing the back up. If a problem is found on the Town’s sewer main, Operations will immediately clear the blockage. If the Town’s mains are running, the property owner is responsible to hire a plumber to clear the line. Once the line is clear of standing water the Town offers a sewer camera service in which the lateral line can be inspected and the problem identified, if there is one.
How do I contact a plumber?
Local contractors, equipped to use an auger to clear the lateral line, can be found in the phone book. Most plumbers also offer camera services. If you use the video service, ensure to get a copy of the DVD.
What should I do to protect my property and belongings in the event of a sewer back-up?
Do not flush or run any water until the sewer line is cleaned and draining effectively. Take whatever action you can to protect your property from further damage. Keep any damaged property or belongings available for inspection or take photographs, if possible. If there is any chance of electrical circuits causing a hazard, call Operations at 403-652-4657 (Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.) or after hours at 403-603-3494.
Should I call my insurance company?
Yes. Your insurance policy may provide coverage for this type of loss. Your insurance company or broker can provide you with this information. If the Town is liable, your insurance company may try to recover the amount of your deductible, as well as the claim they paid on your behalf. Based on the findings of an investigation, compensation will only be provided if the Town is legally liable for the damage. Town employees are not permitted to discuss the circumstances nor liability with third parties.
Should I notify the Town about my property damage?
Yes, please notify the Town within 30 days as the Town will conduct an investigation to determine the cause of the back-up and provide direction based on the findings. Compensation will only be provided if the Town is legally liable for the damage. You need to complete and submit the General Public Reporting Form to Risk Management at:
- Email: cprm@highriver.ca
- Fax: 403-652-2396, Attn: Risk Management
- Address:
- Attn: Risk Management:
- 309B Macleod Trail SW,
- High River, Alberta T1V 1Z5
Water Main Breaks
What is a water main?
Water mains run underneath the roadway and supply potable water to the houses and buildings located next to the street through the water service.
Where is the water service?
The water service connects to the water main and brings water to your property. There is a shutoff valve located at the property line that can be shut off by Town staff to isolate your property from the water main. The property owner is responsible for water service from the property line to the building.
How can I tell if there is a water line break?
There may be water coming up through the cracks in the pavement or your property may be flooding. You may also notice your sump pump, if you have one, running more than usual. Other indicators include saturation of yards, loss of water pressure, sink holes appearing in your yard, sidewalk or driveway.
What should I do if I suspect a water line break?
Call Operations at 403-652-4657 (Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.) or after hours at 403-603-3494. Operations staff will attend the site, determine the cause of the problem and initiate corrective action.
My property is flooding. How can I protect my belongings?
If there is a floor drain in your basement, make sure it is not plugged or obstructed. If there is any chance of electrical circuits causing a hazard, call Operations at 403-652-4657 or after hours at 403-603-3494. Otherwise, take whatever action you can to protect your property from further damage. Keep any damaged property or belongings available for inspection, or take photographs, if possible.
Should I call my insurance company?
Yes. Your insurance policy may provide coverage for this type of loss. Your insurance company or broker can provide you with this information. If the Town is liable, your insurance company may try to recover the amount of your deductible, as well as the claim they paid on your behalf. Based on the findings of an investigation, compensation will only be provided if the Town is legally liable for the damage. Town employees are not permitted to discuss the circumstances nor liability with third parties.
Should I notify the Town about my property damage?
Yes, please notify the Town within 30 days as the Town will conduct an investigation to determine the location of the break and provide direction based on the findings. Compensation will only be provided if the Town is legally liable for the damage. The Town tracks all incidents for statistical analysis and improved safety for our community. You need to complete and submit the General Public Reporting Form to Risk Management at:
- Email: cprm@highriver.ca
- Fax: 403-652-2396, Attn: Risk Management
- Address:
- Attn: Risk Management:
- 309B Macleod Trail SW,
- High River, Alberta T1V 1Z5
Potholes and Road Hazards
Who can I tell about potholes?
You can Report a Concern through the Town's website or call Operations at 403-652-4657 (Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.) or after hours at 403-601-1258. The exact location of the hazard will be recorded and an inspection arranged so appropriate action can be taken.
My vehicle was damaged in a pothole. What should I do?
If there are any injuries call 911. If you think the damage will exceed $2,000 contact the RCMP at 403-652-2357. The RCMP will conduct an investigation and issue a damage sticker, if appropriate. Have a licensed automobile mechanic inspect the damage. Do not continue to drive your vehicle if it is not operating properly.
Should I call my insurance company?
Yes. Your insurance policy may provide coverage for this type of loss. Your insurance company or broker can provide you with this information. If the Town is liable, your insurance company may try to recover the amount of your deductible, as well as the claim they paid on your behalf. Based on the findings of an investigation, compensation will only be provided if the Town is legally liable for the damage. Town employees are not permitted to discuss the circumstances nor liability with third parties.
Should I notify the Town about my property damage?
Yes, please notify the Town within 30 days as the Town will conduct an investigation and provide direction based on the findings. Compensation will only be provided if the Town is legally liable for the damage. The Town tracks all incidents for statistical analysis and improved safety for our community. You need to complete and submit a General Public Reporting Form to Risk Management at:
- Email: cprm@highriver.ca
- Fax: 403-652-2396, Attn: Risk Management
- Address:
- Attn: Risk Management:
- 309B Macleod Trail SW,
- High River, Alberta T1V 1Z5
Snow Clearing and Removal
There has been no snow removal in my area. Is there anything I can do?
Due to our climate, the Town conducts a great deal of snow clearing and removal activities on Town roads and sidewalks. Snow removal is conducted based on the Town’s Snow and Ice Control Policy. If you have additional concerns please submit them through the Town's Report a Concern service, or call Operations at 403-652-4657 (Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.) or after hours at 403-603-3494.
My property has been damaged during the snow removal process. What should I do?
If you have suffered a loss for which you believe the Town of High River may be responsible, record the details of when and how the damage occurred; include the date, time and location. If possible, take photographs, identify the company, equipment or event that you believe caused the damage.
Often times accumulations are such that snow has to be pushed back to make way for future snow falls. Town machine operators have no way of knowing what may be buried under the snow. You can prevent or minimize damage to your property by ensuring that vehicles, gardens, fences, walls, etc. are well back from Town roads and sidewalks to allow room for necessary snow storage. Clearly mark plants, fences and other objects that may be obstructed by snow with highly visible markers.
Should I call my insurance company?
Yes. Your insurance policy may provide coverage for this type of loss. Your insurance company or broker can provide you with this information. If the Town is liable, your insurance company may try to recover the amount of your deductible, as well as the claim they paid on your behalf. Based on the findings of an investigation, compensation will only be provided if the Town is legally liable for the damage. Town employees are not permitted to discuss the circumstances nor liability with third parties.
What should I do with my damaged property?
If possible, document your damages with photographs, original invoices and bills of sale. Keep any damaged property available for inspections at a later date.
Should I notify the Town about my damages?
Yes, please notify the Town within 30 days as the Town will conduct an investigation to determine the cause of the damage and provide direction based on the findings. Compensation will only be provided if the Town is legally liable for the damage. The Town tracks all incidents for statistical analysis and improved safety for our community. You need to complete and submit the General Public Reporting Form to Risk Management at:
- Email: cprm@highriver.ca
- Fax: 403-652-2396, Attn: Risk Management
- Address:
- Attn: Risk Management:
- 309B Macleod Trail SW,
- High River, Alberta T1V 1Z5
Motor Vehicle Collision Involving Town Vehicles
I was in a collision with a Town vehicle. What should I do?
If there are any injuries call 911. Stop and exchange contact and insurance information with the operator of the Town vehicle. Town employees have been instructed in what to do should a collision occur. Generally speaking, The Town will take any necessary steps like calling police or ambulance, offer any assistance that may be appropriate, and report the collision immediately. The Town investigates all motor vehicle collisions involving Town vehicles.
Should I call the RCMP?
If you think the damage will exceed $2,000 contact the RCMP at 403-652-2357. The RCMP will conduct an investigation and issue a damage sticker, if appropriate.
Should I call my insurance company?
Yes. Your insurance policy may provide coverage for this type of loss. Your insurance company or broker can provide you with this information. If the Town is liable, your insurance company may try to recover the amount of your deductible, as well as the claim they paid on your behalf. Based on the findings of an investigation, compensation will only be provided if the Town is legally liable for the damage. Town employees are not permitted to discuss the circumstances of collisions nor liability with other parties involved.
Should I notify the Town about my vehicle damage?
Yes, please notify the Town within 30 days as the Town will conduct an investigation to determine the cause of the collision and provide direction based the findings. Even though the incident will be reported internally, the Town also requires your statement. You need to complete and submit the General Public Reporting Form to Risk Management at:
- Email: cprm@highriver.ca
- Fax: 403-652-2396, Attn: Risk Management
- Address:
- Attn: Risk Management:
- 309B Macleod Trail SW,
- High River, Alberta T1V 1Z5
Process After Notifying the Town
I have submitted a Statement of Damage/Injury Form, now what?
When Risk Management receives the details of an incident you will be contacted within three business days of receipt to review the details. An investigation will be initiated and your claim may be assigned to an insurance adjuster. The investigation may include visiting the location, if possible, as well as obtaining internal & external information and/or documents, interviewing other witnesses, contractors, employees who may have some knowledge of the incident. Upon completion of the investigation you will be notified in writing.
Land Purchases and Sales
I am interested in purchasing land that is owned by the Town. What should I do?
If you are interested in acquiring municipal facilities or lands please review the Real Property Transactions Policy and submit the Property Inquiry Form. The processes for acquiring facilities or lands are defined below and follow the Disposition of Surplus Property Procedure PRO 24-102-02-00:
You may submit the Property Inquiry Form by email, fax or regular mail and our Corporate Properties & Risk Management division will respond to your inquiry within 3 business days of receipt.
Corporate Properties and Risk Management contact information:
- Email: cprm@highriver.ca
- Fax: 403-652-2396, Attn: Risk Management
- Address:
- Attn: Risk Management:
- 309B Macleod Trail SW,
- High River, Alberta T1V 1Z5
We're here to help, contact us!
309B Macleod Trail S.W., High River, Alberta
Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (Closed on statutory holidays)
COVID-19 Information
Frequently Requested Bylaws
Report a Concern