ATP graphic Aug 2023

Active Transportation Plan

Improving and expanding High River's Active Transportation Network

High River's first Active Transportation Plan was formally adopted by Council on November 27, 2023.

Town staff teams will begin to implement key projects in 2024.

“High River has beautiful, interconnected parks, trails and greenspaces enjoyed by a wide diversity of people year ‘round. As the Town implements this plan, we will incorporate the community feedback to ensure it reflects the ideas and suggestions from our residents,” noted Mayor Snodgrass. “I am sure people will appreciate new opportunities to use and enjoy our pathways and transportation network.” Mayor Craig Snodgrass

High River received $50,000 in grant funding for this project from Infrastructure Canada.

Learn more about High River's first Active Transportation Plan

‘Active Transportation’ includes sidewalks, pathways, multi-use trails and bike lanes that connect and allow people to get where they want to by foot, bike, wheelchair, assistive device, and other forms of micro-mobility such as e-scooters, e-bikes. The goal is to develop a local strategy focused on cycling, walking and other active transportation methods.

To implement the plan, the Town will take a coordinated approach that incorporates community feedback. In addition, staff teams who will lead these projects will continue to seek future grant and funding opportunities to support projects within the community.

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