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Skatepark Redesign - Exploring Ideas

Town Council will decide which direction to take the skatepark redesign project, considering community feedback from the first phase and other key factors.

Skatepark Redesign: Exploring Ideas and Possibilities

The Town is working with New Line Skateparks (New Line) on an exciting project to revamp the skatepark on 12th Ave. Being a Town priority, this project is focused on creating a space that meets the needs and vision of our community.

We’re currently seeking feedback on the design concept as part of the project’s first phase.

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Phase 1: Community Feedback

In Fall 2024, New Line hosted an in-person community workshop and collected feedback from students at Highwood High and Notre Dame Collegiate to guide the skatepark redesign. Based on this input, New Line will soon present 2–3 design concepts tailored to our community. To gather votes on the preferred design, another in-person workshop will be held on Friday, February 28.

In March, Council will decide which direction to take the skatepark redesign project, considering community feedback from the first phase and other key factors.

Phase 2: Grant and Community Partnership Opportunities

We will be seeking grant and community partnership opportunities before moving forward with construction. More details will be shared soon.

We're here to help, contact us!
Kalie Mosig-Walsh
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FCSS Resource Centre, 251 9 Ave SW, High River, Alberta, T1V 1A4