Major Construction Projects
The Town is committed to annual maintenance, upgrades and repairs to our roads and infrastructure, adding to the quality of life we enjoy in High River.

Town of High River Construction
Please stay tuned to highriver.ca/news and our social media channels for road and pathway closures and minor construction projects.
Construction is an essential part of our community's growth and development, and it is essential residents stay in the know! Below is a map of the current Town of High River construction projects. Town staff will regularly maintain this page, and updates will be posted regularly.
Residents and businesses will be notified if any projects directly affect them.
Stay in the know!
Major Construction Projects
The Town of High River is committed to continuous infrastructure improvements to ensure a well-maintained road and laneway system for residents and visitors.
Make sure to follow us on social media, and check this page often for updates..
2024 Major Projects
Hamptons Hills Bypass Connector Project Spring 2024 Completion
The Hampton Hills Bypass Project is nearing completion.
On Wednesday, May 15, work resumed to complete landscaping and other remaining work for the Hamptons Bypass Connector project. This includes finishing pathway paving and tie-ins, adding a crossing to Sunrise Cresent, and completing final landscaping additions.
Work is projected to be completed by July 1. No road closures are expected, but intermittent short-duration lane closures may be necessary to accommodate the work. Residents are asked to watch for flaggers and workers in this area while the project is completed.
High Country Drive - Watch for 2024 Updates
A temporary solution was installed in 2023, in response to community requests for safety controls at the intersection of High Country Drive and High View Gate NW.
The High Country Drive project addressed three main concerns at this intersection: Making it safer for pedestrians, ensuring the crossing for golf carts is safe, and tackling the problem of high speeds.
Our top priority remains the safety of our community. Watch this section for 2024 updates about High Country Drive.
Centre Street 7 Avenue to Roundabout
The reconstruction of Centre Street has been identified as a priority for the Town in 2024. The first section of Centre Street (2nd Avenue to 7th Avenue) was completed in 2020. The design of this Project has two primary components: Centre Street Design (surface and underground utilities) and utility relocations, which are planned for 2024 (removal of power poles and relocation of shallow utilities to CP lands).
2024 Impacts:
The utility relocations will require two steps consisting of:
- Consultation with affected property owners and design to relocate their shallow utility service to the former CP lands or another suitable location.
- Extension of the shallow utilities south along the CP lands. This work will be designed by the various utility companies. A portion of the ducting is already complete from the original Centre Street project. This work will also include street illumination.
Stay tuned to highriver.ca/news and Town of High River social media channels for up-to-date road and pathway closures.
Youth Sport Court
In 2017, Brian Perry, a former resident, generously donated $200,000 to the United Way / High River Partnership. After deliberation, it was decided to allocate the funds towards revitalizing what is now recognized as the Brian Perry Youth Park. This endeavour has since been fostering positive outcomes within the community, offering a dedicated space for youth engagement in various sports and promoting their active involvement within the community.
2024 Impacts:
Work is scheduled to finish any landscaping additions and repairs surrounding the sports court and the driveway in 2024. The installation of the sports court sign and recognition plaque will also be completed in 2024.
Stay tuned to highriver.ca/news and Town of High River social media channels for up-to-date road and pathway closures.
1 Street SW Widened Sidewalk (Design Only)
The Town of High River takes pride in providing residents, visitors, and commuters with opportunities to explore the Town on foot or bicycle. In 2024, design work will commence to widen the sidewalk along the west side of 1 Street SW between 6 Avenue and 7 Avenue SW. This sidewalk will improve the pedestrian connection between 12 Avenue and the Downtown Core as well as some major amenities. It will also provide consistent aesthetics and functionality with Downtown.
2024 Impacts:
The anticipated completion of the public consultation for the 1 Street SW Sidewalk project is scheduled for the Summer/Fall of 2024. Residents and business owners affected by potential work will be involved in the consultation process.
Stay tuned to highriver.ca/news and Town of High River social media channels for up-to-date road and pathway closures.
2024 Sidewalk & Pathway Replacement Program
Annual work on the Sidewalk & Pathway Replacement Program will continue in Summer 2024 on 12 Avenue SE, striving to maintain a high quality of sidewalks and pathways throughout the Town of High River. Ensuring easy exploration and commuting in our community while encouraging a healthy lifestyle remains a top priority for the Town.
2024 Impacts:
Throughout the continuation of the Sidewalk & Pathway Replacement Program, residents may notice minor disruptions and occasional closures of sidewalks and pathways throughout the Town. Exact locations will be provided once finalized.
Stay tuned to highriver.ca/news and Town of High River social media channels for up-to-date road and pathway closures.
We're here to help, contact us!
309B Macleod Trail S.W., High River, Alberta
Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (Closed on statutory holidays)
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