Municipal Enforcement
The role of the Municipal Enforcement Officers is to enhance public safety, contributing to a high quality of life in High River.

Municipal Enforcement
The Town's Municipal Enforcement Officers focus on proactive community enforcement and increased public engagement and education. We look forward to working with you! Our Officers work out of the High River Fire Department building and report to the Deputy Chief of Protective Services.
Please see the 24/7 Bylaw Complaints Phoneline and General Administration numbers in the sidebar to the right. Residents are also encouraged to use the online Report a Concern form.
Through a 2021 Budget Survey, residents told the Town about the changes they felt were important to High River’s municipal enforcement, including a need for more communication. Peace Officers will incorporate greater interaction with residents and visitors as Community Ambassadors.
2024 AHS Presentation
At the April 8th Council Meeting, Alberta Health Services provided an EMS update to the Town of High River. To view a copy of the AHS EMS Update, please click the link below.
2024 Policing Priorities Report
Early in 2024, the annual public engagement for Policing in High River was completed. A total of 143 community members provided feedback in the online survey. In the past, the survey focused on only RCMP. However, this year, questions were modified and added to also include our Peace Officer program.
What are Bylaws?
What is a Bylaw?
Bylaws are rules or laws created by organizations or local governments to regulate themselves and the people they serve. Bylaws can establish policies or rules, outline a service to be provided or specify a process or regulation.
Types of Bylaws
In general, bylaws are enacted and fall into one of the following categories.
- Establishing a service
- Authorizing the imposition of rates and levies to pay for services,
- Regulating persons or their property for the general public good,
- Regulating processes or procedural matters related to the governance or administration within the local government.
Commonly Requested Bylaws for High River
When to Call Municipal Enforcement?
When calling Municipal Enforcement to report a concern, ensure you provide full contact information and occurrence details to assist Peace Officers in investigating your concern. Non-urgent matters will be addressed on the next available day/shift.
Call Municipal Enforcement for the following:
- Have a concern or complaint regarding a general bylaw matter (parking, unsightly property, noise, sidewalk snow removal etc.)
- Have an animal control concern that is non-aggressive in nature (animal at large, contained animal, nuisance barking)
Emergency? Call 9-1-1
Municipal Enforcement Links & Information
- Municipal Enforcement Fast Facts
- Municipal Enforcement & Answers to Common Questions
- Downtown Parking Information
- Be a Good Neighbour! The Town's Good Neighbour Bylaw
- Traffic Bylaw
- Town of High River Bylaws
Municipal Enforcement Officers work to educate the public and raise awareness to gain compliance with Town Bylaws and Provincial Acts and Regulations. Our Community Peace Officers are appointed by the Alberta Justice and Solicitor General and are sworn Peace Officers under the Alberta Peace Office Act.
We're Here to Help!
Municipal Enforcement
24/7 Bylaw Complaint Line: 403-603-3643
General Inquiries and Administration: 403-603-3644
Report a Concern