Online Permitting Graphic

Submit Planning Permits Online

Physical copies and in-person submissions remain available at reception alongside the launch and expansion of e-permitting.


Welcome to High River's e-permitting portal for development and building permits. This platform is designed to help streamline the process, providing easy access to planning permits and applications while enabling digital submissions for greater efficiency.

At this time the Town of High River will only be accepting Real Property Reports. Additional permits will be added and available for online submission in the near future.

How to Complete Permits Online:

View our step-by-step e-permitting guide.

  1. Visit the e-permitting website.
  2. Create an account or login to your account. Please note, selecting to "continue as guest" will result in limited functionality and an inability to review previously submitted permits or licenses. For the best experience, users are encouraged to create an account.
  3. Gather all the documentation you will need for your application. This includes any required checklists, drawings, or supporting documentation needed to complete your application.
  4. Select the "Town of High River" as your municipality.
  5. Select the "Planning" button and start your application.
  6. Complete all prompted fields, upload any documentation and select "Next".
  7. Review the summary and submit your application.
  8. Town staff will be in contact for payment once your application is reviewed.

Benefits of E-Permitting System:

  • Track Progress - Monitor your application through status updates;
  • Access Documents - View and download approved permit and other documents;
  • Communicate - Exchange comments with Town staff;
  • Save Time and Effort - Easy online payment and instant receipt; and
  • Centralized Permit Management - Save and access all your applications in one place.

We're here to help, contact us!
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309B Macleod Trail S.W., High River, Alberta

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Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (Closed on statutory holidays)

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Submit Planning Permits Online Report a Concern Maps