Playgrounds for Dogs
If your pup is bursting with energy, we have you covered! Below you can find two fantastic local off-leash dog parks. Here you can let your pup run, fetch, and wag their tails to their heart's content.

Off Leash Dog Parks
Our community off-leash dog parks are for everyone to enjoy!
The Town of High River has two off-leash dog parks:
- South of 8 Avenue S.E. and 2 Street S.E., near Little Bow Park
- East of 5 Street S.E. behind the Canadian Tire/Mark’s Work Warehouse shopping centre.
Before visiting these parks, please consider if your dog’s age, health and behaviour are appropriate for interacting with other dogs and their owners at the park.
While we love all pets, we ask that people only bring their K9 companions to the park.
While at the park, we want everyone to have an enjoyable experience. In order to do so, we ask that everyone:
- Keep your dog on a leash while walking to the park
- Ensure that your dog is under your control at all times.
- Keep the parks clean by picking up after your dog
- Do not allow your dog to be aggressive towards people or other dogs or cause damage to the property
- Always be ready with a leash in case your dog is having a bad day
- Keep your dog on a leash when not in the off-leash area
For more information about responsible animal ownership, please visit our Bylaw Services Q&A page and refer to our Animal Control Bylaw. If you have any questions, please contact us!
Enjoy our parks!
We're here to help, contact us!
228 - 12 Ave SE High River, Alberta
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