FCSS to Run Community Volunteer Income Tax Program
by Town of High River
Family and Community Support Services to run Community Volunteer Income Tax Program
HIGH RIVER, AB – Tax season has returned, and with that, the Community Volunteer Income Tax program is back in place.
In 2022, the Family and Community Support Services will be hosting a free tax filing service for individuals and families with simple personal tax situations.
To participate, residents can go to the Culture Centre located at 251 9 Ave SW, High River, AB T1V 1A4 (next to the Charles Clarke Health Clinic).
The following income limits apply:
- 1 person - $35,000
- 2 people - $45,000
- 3 people - $47,500
- 4 people - $50,000
- 5 people - $52,500 + $2,500 for each additional dependent
Walk-in intake for taxes will be accepted Monday to Friday from 9 am to 3:30 pm starting March 1, 2022, and will end on April 27, 2022.
Same-day filing will not be available, and residents must have all their Tslips upon arrival.
For more information, contact:
Family and Community Support Services