Sign Up or Change Pre-Authorized Payments
Please complete the following form if you wish to sign up for pre-authorized payments
Review the terms and conditions and banking information sections below before completing the form:
Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions:
- Any payments that are dishonoured (non-sufficient funds or bank closed) by the Payor’s financial institution for any reason will incur a service charge, as per our Rate Bylaw.
- It is the responsibility of the Payor to notify the Town of High River upon the sale of the property, cancellation of preauthorized payments, change of address, or change of banking information no less than 10 business days before the withdrawal date.
Utility Payments:
Utility Invoice payments are withdrawn from the Payor’s bank every 2 months (on the odd months) on the last working day of those odd months (i.e. January, March, May, July, September, and November).
Tax Installment Payment Plan (TIPP):
- You will be removed from the TIPP program, and the tax account may be charged fees (in accordance with the current Rate Bylaw) when;
- a defaulted payment is not made up before the 7th of the following month;
- any charges, fees or amounts transferred to the tax account remain outstanding after the 7th of the following month (i.e. unpaid amounts transferred from a utility account or accounts receivable account related to the property) and;
- The town is notified of a change in ownership.
- Once signing up for the TIPP program, you will remain on TIPP (with the exception of the first point), until you submit a cancellation of preauthorized payments form.
- The TIPP payments are withdrawn on the 15th day of every month (or the first business day following).
- Monthly payments from January through June will be one-twelfth of the previous year’s tax levy. Monthly payments from July through December will automatically be adjusted in accordance with any increase/decrease in the tax rate as indicated on the property tax bill sent out in May.
- The Tax Account’s balance owing must be paid in full at the time of signing up for TIPP in order to keep the account current and in good standing.
How to submit banking information
Using the Sample Cheque pictured below, match the numbers on the image to the descriptive text above the picture to make sure you’re submitting the correct information from your cheque.
A This is the cheque number (do not enter this number).
B This is the transit/branch number (5 digit number).
C This is the institution number (3 digit number).
D This is the account number. Please include any zero’s (0) that precede the numbers.

We're here to help, contact us!
309B Macleod Trail S.W., High River, Alberta
Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (Closed on statutory holidays)
Frequently Requested Bylaws
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