Next Special Budget Meeting: January 19

Logo of Town of High River

by Town of High River



On Wednesday, January 19 at 9 am, the Town of High River Council will live stream its next Special Budget Meeting to discuss the 2022 Municipal Budget.

At this meeting, community groups present to Council for 2022 funding. Council will continue discussing the operational budgets and begin looking at the capital plan and new initiatives. There will be an opportunity following these presentations to answer questions from the public.

If you have questions, submit them to by 1 pm on Tuesday, January 18.

An orientation was included at the January 12, 2022 Special Budget Meeting, providing background information on the budget process. View the 2022 Budget Package for more information.

The next live Special Budget Meeting will take place at 9 am on Wednesday, January 26.


For more information:

Town of High River

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