Removal of Goldfish from Highwood Lake Storm Pond

by Town of High River
Parks & Recreation
Removal of Goldfish from Highwood Lake Storm Pond
HIGH RIVER, AB: In early September, the Town of High River will work to remove goldfish from the Highwood Lake storm pond. The presence of goldfish threatens the health of our water bodies and surrounding ecosystems as they multiply rapidly and eat plants, insects, fish eggs and smaller fish species.
Residents are asked to please avoid these areas during treatment. The pond will be fenced off during this work and clean-up of each area will occur 1-2 days afterwards.
Treatment involves the use of rotenone which is a plant-based chemical. Residents may notice a chemical odour during treatment, but it is not harmful to humans, pets, or other wildlife. Residents may notice lowered water levels in ponds, lakes, and other bodies of water in the area.
The application of the rotenone chemical is performed by certified staff in full personal protective equipment. This work is weather dependent. Watch for updates on social media and the Town website on the status of the Highwood Lake Storm Pond later this summer.
We care about our natural environment in High River and support AEP’s #dontletitloose program. We ask that residents do not release domestic goldfish or any other domestic water, plants or animals into storm ponds or any natural water bodies.
If you have questions about this removal of goldfish project check out our Goldfish FAQs
For more information please contact:
Town of High River