Wear a Moose Hide Campaign Pin to Raise Awareness About Gender-Based Violence

by Town of High River
HIGH RIVER – Join us in helping raise awareness against gender-based violence by wearing a pin for the Moose Hide Campaign. The pins are free and serve as a commitment to honour, respect, and protect the women and children in your life.
Pick up pins at the Town’s FCSS Resource Centre - 251 – 9 Ave SW High River.
How can you get involved?
- Share a photo of yourself wearing a pin on social media and tagging us!
- Carry extra pins with you to share with those who ask you about it.
- Donating towards future moose hide pin production and distribution.
Did you know?
- One in three women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime (Stats Canada, 2006)
- In 2014 there was a daily average of 7,969 women and children staying in shelters across Canada because it was not safe at home (Statistics Canada)
- There were 1,181 cases of missing or murdered Aboriginal women in Canada between 1980 and 2012, according to the RCMP, with BC recording more than any other province (Native Women’s Association of Canada, 2010). However, according to grassroots organizations the number is much higher, closer to 4,000
- Domestic violence is preventable.
The Moose Hide Campaign began as a BC-born Indigenous-led grassroots movement to engage men and boys in ending violence towards women and children. It has since grown into a nationwide movement of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians from local communities, First Nations, governments, schools, colleges/universities, police forces and many other organizations – all committed to taking action to end this violence.
To date, over three million moose hide pins have been distributed free of charge to communities, schools, and workplaces across Canada.
For more information:
Family and Community Support Services (FCSS)