Intermunicipal Committee

Both the Town and Foothills County recognize the importance of maintaining the ongoing cooperative efforts and discussions that take place through the Intermunicipal Committee.

Intermunicipal Committee Background:

  • The Town of High River and Foothills County Intermunicipal Committee (“IMC”, or “the Committee”) was established in late 1996, initially as the “Liaison Committee”, for the purpose of developing an Intermunicipal Development Plan.
  • The Liaison Committee later became known as the Intermunicipal Committee. In early 1997, the IMC recommended approval of the terms of reference for the Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP).
  • The IDP was prepared by both Foothills County and Town staff, was reviewed by the Committee, and was eventually adopted by both municipal Councils in November of 2000.
  • In 2011-2012, the IMC assisted with the development of a new IDP.
  • The bylaws adopting the previous IDP were rescinded, and bylaws were passed by each municipality adopting the new IDP in May 2012.
  • The IDP was subsequently amended in 2018 to facilitate an annexation application by the Town.
  • In 2017, the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB) was established by the province, requiring mandatory collaboration between the 10 regional municipalities.

Despite the addition of regional planning to the municipal frameworks, both the Town and Foothills County recognize the importance of maintaining the ongoing cooperative efforts and discussions that take place through the IMC. Since its establishment, the IMC has met to discuss issues of mutual concern such as annexations, transportation planning, recreation planning, and servicing. As development pressures continue to increase in the area surrounding High River and along the Highway 2 and Highway 2A corridors, it is important that the two municipalities continue to work together to manage growth in an ordered and sustainable manner by adhering to the IDP policies. Recently, the Intermunicipal Committee - Terms of Reference, were reviewed by Committee members and approved to be adopted by the Town of High River Council, along with the Foothills County Council in order to be fully executed.

DateHostAgendaYouTube LinkMinutes
December 5, 2024Foothills CountyAgendaWatch RecordingMinutes

July 2, 2024

Town of High River


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March 28, 2024

Foothills County


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December 7, 2023

Town of High River


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October 5, 2023

Foothills County


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March 9, 2023

Town of High River


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June 2, 2022

Foothills County


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January 13, 2022

Town of High River


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