Development Plans, Reports and Studies
The Town prepares and maintains a wide variety of plans to guide future development.
Statutory and Non-Statutory Plans are reviewed and adopted by Town Council. Statutory Plans are adopted by bylaw and require compliance.
Other plans are non-statutory and act as guides for future growth and development. Any proposed amendments to statutory or non-statutory plans require a pre-application meeting with Town planning staff.
Town-Wide Plans and Policies
Listing and Publishing of Planning Documents
As of January 1, 2019, Section 638.2 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA) requires municipalities to publish and maintain a complete list of documents that may be relied upon for decision-making by a development authority, subdivision authority, subdivision and appeal board, or the Municipal Government Board (MGB), when it comes to rendering decisions on planning and development matters.
Municipalities must also summarize how the documents relate to each other and the Town’s statutory plans (plans passed by bylaw). Statutory plans include the Town of High River and Foothills County Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP), the Town Plan (including the Growth Management Strategy), Area Structure Plans (ASPs), and Area Redevelopment Plans (ARPs).
Municipalities are not required to outline the relationships between statutory plans and bylaws that are created under the authority of Part 17 of the MGA. Where there is a discrepancy between a non-statutory document and a statutory plan, the statutory plan prevails. Further, municipalities are not required to list provincial and federal legislation, which may be applicable to a planning and development matters, such as the Alberta Subdivision and Development Regulation or the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board Regulation.
To meet this MGA requirement, the Town has created two lists of documents:
Town-Wide Planning Related Documents
These documents are referred to by the Town for developing, implementing and updating statutory plans (IDP, Town Plan, ASPs and ARPs) and are often in the form of background studies or reports, such as transportation impact assessments, environmental site assessments, and utility service studies. The list also includes policies and procedures passed by Council, such as the Snow and Ice Control Policy and the Mobile Business Procedure, and any referenced professional standards or best practices that may be used to assess development proposals submitted to the Town under Land Use Bylaw 4510/2017.
Non Statutory Plans: Area Concept Plans (ACP), Neighbourhood Outline Plans (NOP), Master Plans
These planning documents provide guidance for subdivision and development within specific areas of Town. These documents must align with a statutory Area Structure Plan (ASP) or Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP). Some older non-statutory plans do not fall within the plan area of an ASP or ARP. In these cases, staff will look to the Town Plan, and IDP (if applicable), for statutory guidance. In addition, the Town may refer to the documents under list number one.
- Searching the name of the document on the Town’s website will bring up the published file. If you cannot find a document listed, please contact Planning.
- View the Planning Policies list to see the policies that fall into this category.
Two new plans are being added to the list, which will be updated shortly:
Both were formally adopted by High River Council on November 27, 2023.
Statutory Plans
Inter-Municipal Development Plan
This plan was jointly adopted by the M.D. of Foothills and the Town of High River and relates to land roughly within one mile of the town boundary as it existed in 2012. The Plan is an expression of mutual interest in the area and sets out generalized land uses and a process for consultation on proposals for lands within the identified area as well as lands in town adjacent to the town’s boundaries.
The High River Town Plan was officially adopted by Council on October 28, 2024. Final approval is a significant step forward, as the Town Plan will guide future development, growth and planning decisions for High River from now to 2044. Also known as a Municipal Development Plan, is a vital document that acts as a roadmap to guide the Town’s future development and planning decisions. It is also a requirement under the Municipal Government Act and replaces the former 2009 Town Plan. The new Town Plan includes a long-term vision of what life in High River will look like in 20 years
Development of the draft plan was a cooperative effort of the Town Plan Task Force, established in 2022. Task force members included volunteers representing High River residents and Town Council members. They worked closely with Town Administration and engaged the community extensively to envision the "High River of the future."
Area Structure Plans
These plans are prepared for large new areas in town, and outline future uses, major infrastructure requirements, including transportation networks, anticipated population densities and phasing of development. Other considerations may be included, depending on the nature of the specific area. The following Area Structure Plans have been adopted:
North West Area Structure Plan
This Plan relates to the north west sector of town, generally located north and west of the Highwood River. It should be noted that this plan was consolidated in 1999 to clearly identify those lands remaining within the NWASP boundaries, as distinct from those properties which were to be encompassed within the Vista Mirage/Highwood Village ASP, which was adopted in 2000.
Hampton Hills Area Structure Plan
This plan relates to an area east of the Little Bow Canal, north of 2nd Avenue SE, and west of 20 Street SE.
South High River Area Structure Plan
This plan relates to an area south of 12 Avenue, east of 72 Street E and west of 10 Street SE.
Spitzee Crossing Area Structure Plan
This plan relates to approximately 280 ha (690 acres) of land in the north and northwest areas of High River which was annexed as of January 2012.
- Traffic Impact Assessment
- Ultimate Functional Servicing Report
- Spitzee Crossing Area Structure Plan Bylaw Amendment 4464/2016
Vista Mirage-Highwood Village Area Structure Plan
This plan relates to the westerly portion of the area originally encompassed within the Northwest Area Structure Plan. For more information view the Area Structure Plan Application and Checklist.
Area Redevelopment Plans
These plans relate to existing built-up areas of the town and outline changes proposed in the community in terms of land uses, physical improvements and infrastructure upgrades. The following Area Redevelopment Plans have been adopted.
High River Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan
The Downtown ARP is a roadmap for future growth over the next 30 years. It includes the physical design, potential uses and programming for the downtown area in the short, medium and long term. It also includes policies that will help the Town, developers, businesses and residents establish the downtown as a welcoming and vibrant place.
Non-Statutory Plans, Reports and Studies
These plans may take a variety of forms, including Concept Plans and Neighbourhood Outline Plans. Non-statutory plans and studies are adopted by Council resolution and all amendments must be approved by Council – see the process below.
Area Concept Plans
These plans look at a smaller area than an Area Structure Plan and can get into more detail. Because the plans are not statutory they can be less prescriptive and can adapt to changing circumstances more easily. The following Area Concept Plans have been adopted:
- Ellis Area Concept Plan
- Charles Clark Park
- North Eagleview Area Concept Plan
- The Gateway Project: Eastern Community of the Town of High River
- Montrose Area Concept Plan
Neighbourhood Outline Plans
Master Plans, Studies and Reports
- Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan
- Active Transportation Plan
- CP Lands Master Plan
- George Lane Park Review – Final Report
- Growth and Environmental Survey
- Parks and Trails Open Space Master Plan 2021
- Recreation Parks & Culture Master Plan
- Recreation Master Plan 2017
Amending Statutory and Non-Statutory Plans
Book a pre-application meeting
A pre-application meeting gives a chance for the applicant and Town staff to sit down and discuss the details of the proposed subdivision. It is an opportunity to identify concerns and answer questions early in the process and can save time and cost. The applicant is asked to bring all of the available information that they have to the meeting to give planning staff a clear picture of their proposed subdivision. Planning staff will clearly outline the processes, identify any issues or concerns and provide you with the application forms and fees associated with your proposed subdivision.
Application Completeness Meeting
Once applicants have compiled the materials identified as required during the pre-application meeting, they must arrange an Application Completeness Meeting with Planning staff in order to ensure their application package is ready for submission.
An Application Completeness meeting is intended to give the applicant and Town staff the opportunity to review all materials compiled into the Application package for submission, and ensure that all required forms, fees and back-up materials which have been identified during the Pre-Application Meeting are included. Therefore, it is essential that applicants arrange and attend a Pre-Application Meeting prior to requesting an Application Completeness meeting. An incomplete application will not be accepted.
To book your Pre-Application Meeting or your Application Completeness Meeting, contact Planning.
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309B Macleod Trail S.W., High River, Alberta
Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (Closed on statutory holidays)
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