
Sign Standards and Regulations

The Town of High River has standards and regulations for signs to ensure the community remains attractive, while the sign does its job.

The Town’s sign standards are in place to ensure signs contribute to High River’s character, beauty and small-town charm. Businesses and residents are responsible for making sure signs meet the Town’s standards for quality, appearance and regular maintenance.

The Town places importance on ensuring signage within our community achieves high-quality standards and is in line with the updated signage regulations found within our Land Use Bylaw. This includes realtors, condo boards and community groups.

Unacceptable or prohibited signs can result in an unattractive and cluttered appearance. Together, everyone can create the vibrant and healthy community that we all envision.


Community Groups and Events Temporary Signs

Do you need a development permit?

Factors such as zoning and type of sign must be considered when obtaining a development permit for signage. To learn more, visit our Land Use Bylaw webpage.

Not all signs require a development permit from the Town before being placed in the community. Signs such as A-board signs, real estate signs (with a maximum sign area of 1 sq. m), construction signs and garage sale signs (posted for a maximum of 48 hours) can be placed around the community without a development permit.

With the year-round events in High River organized by Community groups, organizations and volunteers, there are provisions enabling organizers to get their message out to the public. To support these events, the Town has passed guidelines that offer a variety of options to post temporary signs once an application is completed.  The Town has four different land use districts that allow signs, and each district has slightly different regulations for signage.

If you have questions about signs for your business or activity, please contact the Planning and Development team by email or phone.

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    309B Macleod Trail S.W., High River, Alberta

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    Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (Closed on statutory holidays)

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