Emergency Planning & Coordination
Emergencies or disasters can happen anywhere, any time or any place. The Town makes sure plans are in place to help with preparedness, response and recovery.

Emergency Management
High River's Emergency Management team works out of the Town Fire Hall and is a valued part of the Town's Protective Services team. The team works closely with Town divisions, provincial and federal agencies, and other key stakeholders.
The role of High River Emergency Management is to ensure the safety and security of the community and its residents and businesses. The team plans for and coordinates all emergency services and resources required during a major incident.
It is key for families and individuals to learn how to help themselves during the first 72 hours of an emergency in order to best manage the demands on emergency resources during a time of crisis.
For more information, view the Emergency Preparedness webpage.
Four Pillars of Emergency Management
Mitigation, Preparedness. Response and Recovery. Town staff work to ensure plans are in place, which include:
- Town Emergency Plans - how we monitor, how we prepare, and how we will respond to keep our community safe.
- Recovery Toolkit - the steps we take after an emergency.
- Business continuity plans - ways we make sure to provide important services during and after an emergency.
Types of Emergencies in Alberta
An important part of emergency planning is providing safety tips to residents and businesses for the different types of emergencies that are common in Alberta. These include but are not limited to:
- Hazards
- Floods
- Power outages
- Severe storms and weather/cold weather safety tips
- Wildfires
- Drought
Sign up for Emergency Alerts and Notifications by Clicking Here! Sign up to set up personal alerts for areas outside of High River as well.
Additional Resources & Links
We're here to help, contact us!
Fire Services
Fire Hall 1010 5th St SE High River, Alberta
Monday to Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Fire Department: 403-652-3774
Municipal Enforcement
Fire Hall 1010 5th St SE High River, Alberta
24/7 Bylaw Complaint Line: 403-603-3643
General Inquiries and Administration: 403-603-3644
Report a Concern