Change of Address and Contact Information

The form below allows you to enter or update your mailing and email address. Continue on to subscribe to email billing. Email billing is convenient and saves paper!

This form is to change the mailing address and/or email address of your current property. Continue on to subscribe to receive your bill by email.

Changes made on the form below will apply to all of your accounts with the Town: Taxes, Utilities, etc.

    Ownership and Name Changes:

    All ownership and name updates to High River’s tax roll are based solely on information provided by Alberta Land Titles. If you want to change the name on your account, contact Alberta Land Titles online or at 403-297-6511.

    Questions? We are here to help. Please contact us or drop into our Town Hall office. Contact information is in the side menu to the right.

    Change of Address (Mailing & Email) and Contact Information Form

    What type of property are you adjusting for?  
    Service Address

    Owner Information

    Owner Full Name:
    New Mailing Address

    (If different from the service address)

    Do you want emailed Utility Invoices? 
    Do you want emailed Tax Roll documents? 
    Do you want invoices for other Town services emailed?  

    Commercial Tenant Information - Residential Tenants Can NOT Apply

    Commercial Tenant Full Name:
    Commercial Tenant Mailing Address:
    Do you want emailed Utility Invoices? 
    Please note that only one mailing address is permitted, and the same address is applied to the tax account, the utility account, and any other accounts you hold with the Town of High River.
    I consent that the notices, bills, invoices and communications for my above accounts will be provided by email to the email address listed above, and I will no longer receive a paper copy. I understand that it is my responsibility to provide the correct email address and to inform the Town of High River in writing of any changes to this email address. I understand that non-receipt of my notices, bills or invoices is not justification for late payment, and penalties will not be waived as a result.
    Digital Signature:
    The information collected via this form is being collected by the Town of High River pursuant to legislation governing the information handling practices of the Town of High River, specifically Sections 33 (a) and (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Alberta), the Municipal Government Act (Alberta), and other legislation or bylaws governing the municipality, as may be applicable. Should you have any questions related to the collection or disclosure of your personal information, please contact the Legislative Services division for the Town of High River at 403.652.2110.

    We're here to help, contact us!
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    309B Macleod Trail S.W., High River, Alberta

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    Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (Closed on statutory holidays)

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