Back to School Traffic Safety Notice - 2024

by Town of High River
Back to School Traffic Safety Notice - 2024
HIGH RIVER – As the new school year begins, drivers may notice increased traffic as students return to school. It's not just students; with the end of summer holidays, overall traffic has a noticeable rise, including more pedestrians, cyclists, and buses on the streets and pathways of High River.
To ensure everyone has a safe and successful year, High River’s Municipal Enforcement would like to share the following tips to keep our roads safe:
School Zone Safety
- Observe School Zone Speeds: Always adhere to posted speed limits, especially in school zones. Children crossing the road may not always see oncoming traffic and can unexpectedly step into the street. High River's school zone speed limit is 30 km/h, enforced 24 hours a day. Slow down and stay vigilant to keep kids safe.
- Obey Crossing Guards: Crossing guards are present to protect children. Their instructions take precedence over traffic lights and signs. Always follow their directions and proceed only when instructed.
- Watch for Children: Children can be unpredictable and hard to see, especially when playing or in groups. Stay alert for kids stepping out between parked cars or off the sidewalk.
School Bus Safety
For Parents & Kids:
- Ensure children arrive at the bus stop on time, not too early, to prevent wandering or mischief.
- Teach kids to wait away from the road and stay back from the curb until the school bus comes to a complete stop and opens its doors.
- When crossing in front of the bus, children should walk at least three meters (10 feet) ahead of the bus so the driver can see them.
For Drivers:
- Never pass a school bus when its lights are flashing.
- Always stop when the school bus has its stop sign extended and/or red lights flashing.
- Drive slowly and cautiously around school buses, especially when loading or unloading students.
Ensure the safety of yourself and others by always using crosswalks to cross roads. It's a simple step that helps protect adults, children, and families from potential dangers.
High River’s Municipal Enforcement wishes all staff and students a safe and successful school year.
For more information:
Town of High River - 403-652-2110
Protective Services - 403-603-3644