High River Bank Protection Resident Feedback March 13-31
by Town of High River
HIGH RIVER - In summer/fall 2023, work will begin to protect dikes on the Highwood River that are prone to erosion during high water events. Before work begins, we want to hear from you.
Residents in the affected areas are invited to submit comments and ask questions about this upcoming work. This link opens an interactive map showing the locations along the river in the Riverside area near the golf course.
"Bank Armouring" involves the installation of rip-rap from the top of the dike to the toe that will self-launch to protect any eroded areas. Work will take 2-3 months to complete & will occur on Town or Alberta Environment & Parks property. Some access to private property may be required.
- Visit the project website to provide your feedback.
- The survey will be open from March 13-31, 2023.:The following feedback options are seen below and can be added directly to the interactive map.
For more information:
Town of High River