Residents Invited to Attend Council Budget Meeting January 16

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by Town of High River


Community Council 2024 Budget

HIGH RIVER - High River’s Town Council will kick off their discussions on the 2023 Municipal Budget with the first budget discussion meeting on January 16. Residents are invited to attend to listen to the discussion and presentations. This is the first of three budget meetings prior to adoption of the 2023 budget in February.

Council 2023 Municipal Budget Discussion details:

Date: January 16, 2023
Time: 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon
Location: Room L04, lower level of Town Hall

At the January 16 meeting, Council will review goals of a balanced budget as defined by the Municipal Government Act and how revenues, including municipal taxes, support the Town’s balanced budget.

At their December 12 regular meeting Council adopted updated Strategic Priorities for 2023. These priorities focus on both current needs and long-term planning. Council sets these priorities to help guide decision-making during budget discussion and at all regular meetings.

Upcoming Budget Discussion Meetings:

  • Follow the Town’s website and social media to learn about upcoming Budget Discussion meetings including dates, times and locations –
  • Sign up to receive emailed updates about the 2023 budget –

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For more information:

Town of High River

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