Council Approves New Outdoor Water Use and Restriction Bylaw

by Town of High River
Community Council
Residents encouraged to use water wisely
HIGH RIVER, AB - With the threat of drought conditions and water shortages across parts of Alberta, High River’s Town Council has approved a new Outdoor Water Use and Restriction Bylaw.
The bylaw reflects a ‘new normal’ for High River’s water use and restrictions, to ensure we build resilience to the impacts of the changing climate. It encourages residents to use water wisely and sets out clear water use and restrictions. It also outlines penalties for not following the rules in place to protect our water resources.
Mayor Craig Snodgrass emphasized the need for an effective long-term water strategy and collective action to protect our natural water resources.
“High River is fortunate with access to a great supply of water. Having a long-term water strategy is one of Council’s strategic priorities. With multiple water shortages across Alberta, the province is one stage away from declaring a provincial water shortage emergency. It’s critical that we work together to protect our water supply now and for the future.”
Municipalities are responsible for water supply and distribution. Municipal water shortage response plans may include both voluntary and mandatory water restrictions. The new Bylaw outlines clear steps for different levels of restrictions on Town operations, businesses, and residents. These steps will be communicated clearly before they come into effect. Visit the Water Conservation webpage, or view our FAQ, for more details.
Here is a quick overview of water use restrictions as outlined in the new bylaw:
- Level 1: Watering hours and days are set out for odd and even addresses in the Town
- Levels 2 and 3: Outline increasingly restricted water use
- Level 3: Most restrictive, with reductions to water use applied to residential properties and businesses such as car washes, greenhouses, and golf courses
- Municipal enforcement and penalties will apply at each level
Mayor Snodgrass notes that High River can be seen as a leader in water conservation if we work together:
“High River is already seen as a leader in flood mitigation. We can lead the way in conserving water too, however it is essential that everyone – residents and businesses alike – do their part. Don’t focus only on what the bylaw tells us to do. We each need to take steps to do more, to be accountable for our water use every day.”
The Town is also exploring innovative solutions, such as reusing water from the treatment plant, to further reduce water consumption. The new bylaw includes provisions to ensure emergency services and safety procedures remain unaffected, prioritizing the ongoing safety and security of residents.
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For more information:
Town of High River