Noxious Weed, Creeping Bellflower identified in the Town

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by Town of High River


Community Parks & Recreation

HIGH RIVER – Creeping Bellflower, classified as a noxious weed in Alberta, has been identified in the Town. Characterized by blue or purple bell-shaped flowers and heart-shaped, irregular toothed leaves the Creeping Bellflower can spread rapidly and if left unchecked can cause severe crop or economic losses. The Town asks that residents watch for this noxious weed and safely remove and control it by:

  • Removing plants as they appear in your yard by digging out as much root as possible.
  • Avoid introducing this plant through wildflower seed mixes and potted plants (ensure purchased Campanula species are NOT C. rapunculoides)
  • Dispose of all removed plant parts by bagging and putting directly in the garbage
  • DO NOT put in Compost or Town Recycling drop off.

The Alberta Weed Control Act defines a noxious weed as a plant, including its seeds that can spread rapidly with the potential to cause severe crop losses and economic hardship. Under the Act, a noxious weed must be controlled. The Noxious Weed designation is a regulatory support for containment of invasive plant species.

Visit the Alberta provincially regulated weeds website at for more details.


For more information:

Town of High River


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