Imagine High River 2042! Share and Learn About Our Town Plan April 5-9

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by Town of High River



HIGH RIVER, AB – The Town Plan Project is about to begin, and we are excited to hear from you and share how you can get involved! Everyone is invited to drop in at locations around the community this week to chat about High River’s future. We’re asking you – What should High River look like in 2042?

Community reps on the Town Plan Task Force along with Town staff look forward to listening to your ideas as this project begins to take shape. The drop-ins this week are the beginning of ongoing opportunities for us to learn what is important to community. How should High River grow? What qualities do you believe should be protected? Tell us! We are here to listen.

"Everyone in this community should have the Town Plan on their radar this year. Residents, businesses, community organizations, developers, school divisions and other interest groups – this is your opportunity to shape our Town's future. Be sure to share your ideas and opinions. Your feedback will help define where we are going and what we want the Town to look like in years to come." Mayor Craig Snodgrass

Where we go from here is up to you – you’re in the driver’s seat. This is our community, our future and our plan!

Town Plan Drop-in Schedule: Follow us on Facebook for daily updates!

From April 5-9 watch for us around town - Tell Us What Matters to You!

    If you can’t attend, please contact us. We are happy to meet you where you are or chat by phone. We invite you to set up a time to share your thoughts or ask questions - our contact information is below.

    For timely updates visit the project website and follow the Town’s social media channels.


    For more information or to set up a time to share your ideas please contact:

    Town of High River Planning and Development
    Ph: 403-603-3408

    Media Contact:

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