High River Siren Test Reveals System Fix is Required

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by Town of High River



November 16 High River Siren Test Reveals System Fix is Required

HIGH RIVER – During routine testing of High River’s outdoor emergency siren on November 16, a test revealed a malfunctioning component in the system, causing the siren not to be audible during testing. As a contractor works to resolve the issue, residents may hear short, quiet siren tests over the coming days as work is carried out to resolve the malfunction.

Siren testing occurs regularly to ensure the sirens remain in good working order in the event of a real emergency. In the case of an emergency, Alberta Emergency Alerts will also notify High River residents.

No subscription is required to receive alerts; however, residents can receive personalized Alberta Emergency Alerts by downloading the app from Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Thank you for your patience as work occurs to resolve the errors found during siren testing. We will be sure to inform the community once the siren error has been resolved.

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For more information:

Town of High River


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