RCMP Detachment Front Counter Closed Monday, March 27

by Town of High River
RCMP Detachment Front Counter Closed Monday, March 27
HIGH RIVER – The High River RCMP Detachment front counter will be closed on Monday, March 27, as local members attend the funeral of two Edmonton Police Service Officers who were tragically killed in the line of duty.
A phone outside the front doors of the detachment will be available for urgent matters during this time. The High River RCMP Detachment will reopen with regular hours on Tuesday, March 28.
We appreciate your understanding as our local RCMP detachment honours the fallen officers. Town Hall flags will remain at half-mast in memory of Constables Travis Jordan and Brett Ryan. To express condolences, visit www.edmontonpolice.ca/AboutEPS/InMemoriam
Stay tuned to our social media and highriver.ca for Town news and updates.
For more information:
Town of High River
Edmonton Police Service website: