Town Crews Working to Solve Community Freeze-Thaw Issues
by Town of High River
Town Crews Working to Solve Community Freeze-Thaw Issues
HIGH RIVER – Fluctuating temperatures can leave you with more than just a headache. Freezing temperatures followed by warmer weather can cause water build-up and puddles on residential streets, private driveways, local pathways, and sidewalks.
While these puddles can inconvenience residents, it is not considered an emergency unless the water begins entering your home.
Town of High River crews have implemented measures to ensure storm drains stay thawed, and built-up water can flow efficiently and effectively into our systems.
Residents can report puddles and water build-ups to our Public Works team. Upon reporting, your request will be added to a prioritized troubleshooting list which our staff will work through.
To join the troubleshooting list, please contact the Town of High River Public Works at 403-652-4657 or submit feedback online by visiting
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For more information:
Town of High River