Town of High River 2023 Snow and Ice Control

by Town of High River
Town of High River 2023 Snow and Ice Control
HIGH RIVER – The snowy season is upon us, and Town Public Works staff are ready to take action to keep our roads and pathways safe and clear.
As soon as snowfall occurs, the Town begins planning and preparations to sand, salt, plow streets, and move snow from roadways and pathways in partnership with Summit Property Group.
The Town operates a fleet of four plow units, three loaders, and a grader to tackle snow removal effectively. A snow-clearing priority system is in place to ensure our highest-traffic roadways are cleared first.
Town Testing Pilot Project for 2023/24 Winter:
In winter 2023, Summit Property Group will begin a pilot project to add safety and walkability to our pathway system. On weekends, after the contracted areas are cleared, Summit Property Group will make a single pass-through of the Happy Trails system. Public Works staff will clear the remainder on Monday morning. This will help residents and visitors during weekend snowfall by creating a safer, more walkable environment.
Be a Good Neighbour:
Remember to be a Good Neighbour! To keep walkways safe, all businesses and residents are responsible for clearing snow and ice from privately owned sidewalks, walkways, parking lots and vacant properties within 24 hours of a snowfall. If you know anyone needing help, High River has a Snow Angel Program, and volunteers are appreciated!
Our crews work hard to clear snow as quickly and efficiently as possible. You can help plow operators stay on schedule by parking your vehicle off the street while roads are cleared.
For more information about High River's snow and ice control plan, please visit Follow our social media accounts to stay updated on snow-clearing progress.
For more information, please contact:
Town of High River