Town Plan Community Events - Open House September 15
by Town of High River
Community Council
HIGH RIVER – The new Town Plan will take a step from vision to reality as the writing of the first draft will begin soon. Residents are invited to Town Plan Community Events in September to continue the dialogue at this important stage in planning. Community Events include a Town Plan Open House on September 15 at the Highwood Centre from 4 - 8 p.m., drop-ins at the Rec Complex and Library, pop-ups, and other opportunities to chat with the Town Plan team.
A Community Report ideas and feedback received during community engagement from April to July is available on the Town’s website. Entitled ‘What We Heard’ this report will identify some of the big themes and ideas brought forward by residents so far. Copies are also available in the Town Hall lobby for pick-up during normal work hours.
This is a community-driven initiative, from imagining High River in 2042 to completing a plan that will be a roadmap for how High River grows and develops. Task Force community representatives are bringing their ideas and expertise to the table at regular meetings since the spring. Your contributions through these opportunities to share will ensure this plan represents our collective community vision.
A schedule of Town Plan Community Events is available on the Town’s website. Community Events scheduled so far include:
September 15 from 4 – 8:00 p.m. |
September 17, 9 a.m. to Noon |
September 20, 10 a.m. to Noon |
Check the schedule often as new events are added.
The next step will be a review of emerging themes, guiding principles, vision, goals and objectives. A first draft of the new Town Plan will be ready soon. The goal is to complete the plan in time to begin implementation in 2023.
For more information:
Town of High River
Planning and Development