Town Sharing Ways to get Concerns to Protective Services

by Town of High River
Town of High River Sharing Ways to get Concerns to Protective Services
HIGH RIVER – The Town of High River wants to remind residents of the best ways to get inquiries and concerns to our Protective Services team.
To connect with our Protective Services team:
- General Inquiries and Administration: 403-603-3644
- The general inquiries and administration phoneline is designed to have you leave a message, and an Officer will return your call within 48 hours. This line is not monitored 24/7 and is used mainly for common questions and non-urgent issues in our community.
- 24/7 Bylaw Complaint Phoneline: 403-603-3643
- The 24/7 Bylaw Complaint Phoneline will be monitored 24/7. No matter the time of day, someone is there to hear your needs. This number connects you with our dispatch centre, who will take important information and pass the complaint to an Officer. We welcome your calls, concerns, and complaints.
- Online Reporting:
- Online reporting methods can also be used to submit a concern which will be assigned to one of our Officers for follow-up. Visit to use the Report a Concern feature in the webpage's top right corner.
As always, our number one priority is the safety and security of our residents and the community. Our goal is to have positive interactions with the community, and we are committed to listening to and addressing your concerns.
For more information on ways to submit inquiries and concerns to our staff or for general questions and inquiries, please call the Protective Services General Inquiries and Administration phoneline at 403-603-3644.
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For more information:
Town of High River