Election 2021

2021 Municipal Election - Results

Results are in! With over 5000 ballots counted, High River polls saw a 48% increase in voters in 2021 vs 2017! We are pleased to share the official 2021 Election results with High River residents. Thank you for voting.

2021 Municipal Election

Read the Official Election Results HERE.

Read about the Swearing in Ceremony and newly elected Council HERE.

Meet your newly elected Mayor and Council HERE!

Form 26's from the 2021 Municipal Election - for the Public's Review

Aquatic Facility Referendum Results:

4076 residents voted in the local Aquatic Facility Referendum. The preliminary results are as follows: 1865 voted YES, 2211 voted NO.

Results of the referendum vote are being provided to new Town Council for consideration and final decision and will be shared with residents at a future Council meeting.

Below are the first-reported, unofficial results of the 2021 Municipal Election held on October 18, 2021.

Elected candidates are bolded.

Update - For Official Results - Click here

Candidate Name and Contact Information
Number of Votes
Social Media Handles

Craig Snodgrass - Candidate for Mayor

Email: snodgrassformayor@gmail.com


Facebook - Craig Snodgrass - Mayor of High River

Twitter - @mayorsnod

Website - snodgrassformayor.ca

Jamie Kinghorn – Office of Councillor

Phone: 403-880-4842

Email: jamiekinghorn@shaw.ca



Jenny Jones - Office of Councillor

Phone: 403-601-7226

Email: jenny@votejennyjones.com


Website - https://votejennyjones.com/

Kelly Killick-Smit - Office of Councillor

Phone: 403-498-6559

Email: krkillicksmit@gmail.com


Facebook - KellyKillickSmitforCouncil

Website - https://krkillicksmit.wixsite.com/forcouncil

Brenda Walsh - Office of Councillor

Phone: 403-804-9535

Email: walsh4council@gmail.com


Facebook - Walsh4Council

Jamie Barton - Office of Councilor

Email: Barton4towncouncil@gmail.com


Facebook - Jamie Barton - Running For Town Council

Michael Nychyk - Office of Councillor

Phone: 403-603-8239

Email: nychyk4highriver@gmail.com


Facebook - Michael Nychyk on High River Council

Jeff Langford - Candidate for Mayor

Phone: 403-650-0334

Email: info@jefflangfordformayor.com jeff@sierraenergygroup.ca


Facebook - JeffLangford4Mayor

Twitter - @Lang4Mayor

Instagram - @Langford4Mayor

Website - http://jefflangfordformayor.co...

Terry G. Coleman - Office of Councillor

Phone: 403-652-4771
Email: terrycoleman297@gmail.com


Rylan Siggelkow - Office of Councillor

Phone: 403-923-7296

Email: rylansiggelkow@gmail.com


Instagram – @rylansiggelkow
Facebook – Rylan Siggelkow – Councillor for High River


Dominick Dodge - Office of Councillor

Phone: 403-336-4628



Twitter - @dodgedominickHR

Ken Bayliff - Office of Councillor

Phone: 403-874-8855

Email: kenbayliff@hotmail.com


Dominic VonRaven - Office of Councillor

Phone: 403-498-4841

Email: raven_industries@live.ca


David Moretta - Office of Councillor

Email: info@morettaforcouncil.ca


Facebook - Moretta for Council

Website - morettaforcouncil.ca

Monty Stafford - Office of Councillor

Phone: 403-336-2435

Email: mstaff@telusplanet.net


Deborah Gauger - Office of Councillor

Phone: 403-619-2565

Email: deborah.gauger@gmail.com



Some candidates have provided contact and social media information regarding their campaign. These links will take you to a third party page. The Town accepts no responsibility for the content or any risk associated with accessing this information.


Email: elections@highriver.ca

Phone: Legislative Services at 403-652-2110

Returning Officer

Jody Hipkin
Manager of Legislative Services
Town of High River
309B Macleod Trail SW
T1V 1Z5

Email: elections@highriver.ca
Phone: 403-603-3580

Substitute Returning Officer

Nicole Chepil
Director of Corporate Services
Town of High River
309B Macleod Trail SW
High River, Alberta
T1V 1Z5

Email: elections@highriver.ca
Phone: 403-652-2110

We're here to help, contact us!
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309B Macleod Trail S.W., High River, Alberta

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Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (Closed on statutory holidays)

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Media Requests: communications@highriver.ca
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