Update Feb 2 - Poplar Tree Removal

by Town of High River
Community Parks & Recreation
UPDATE on the large poplar tree removal from the back lane of 2A Ave SW. Pruning of the adjacent tree will be completed today. Work to remove the large decayed poplar will be extended to tomorrow Feb 3. Please obey signs in place. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
HIGH RIVER – The Town of High River has arranged for the removal of two large poplar trees posing a risk to people and property, on Thursday, February 2, 2023. One tree is in the downtown area, and the other is located on 12th Avenue S.W.
Risk assessments were undertaken on both trees. Both show signs of decay and limb loss and could pose a risk to people and property. The Town has arranged for contractors to remove these trees safely, with minimal impacts on business, traffic or pedestrians. Please see the information below outlining safety precautions and traffic accommodations:
1. Downtown poplar located in the back lane of 2A Avenue S.W., between Macleod Trail and 1st Street SW.
- No parking signs will be set up in advance or the tree removal.
- Barricades will be located on site when work is in progress.
- Pedestrians will be reminded to respect the work zone and stay behind the barricades.
- Removal of the tree was approved by High River Council at its meeting on January 23, 2023.
- The adjacent poplar tree was also assessed and found to be a low risk. It will be pruned in the spring to reduce limb length and prevent future problems. This tree will be maintained and monitored by the Town’s Parks staff.
2. Poplar on 12th Avenue S.W. across from 1st Street S.W.
- Weather conditions prevented the removal of this tree, originally scheduled for removal in December, 2022.
- There may be intermittent traffic stoppages during some parts of the removal, and these will be minimal if required.
- Removal of this tree follows the Town's Tree Management Policy for standard care and maintenance of Town trees.
All tree care and maintenance in High River follows Urban Forestry Standards and is governed by the Town’s Tree Management Policy.
Thank you for your understanding and patience during these tree removals.
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For more information:
Town of High River