High River Launching Broadband Coverage Survey to Enhance Local Internet Services

by Town of High River
High River Launching Broadband Coverage Survey to Enhance Local Internet Services
HIGH RIVER—At its meeting on May 8, the Town of High River Council approved a project to assess and enhance Broadband coverage within Town limits in partnership with Tango Networks and Ten Four Technology. The Town recognizes the importance of high-speed internet for residential needs and local business growth. The support and cooperation of the High River community are essential as we carry out important surveys to collect data. Working together, our goal is to develop a plan to overcome current broadband challenges and meet our communities' future needs.
Beginning Monday, June 3, 2024, Tango Networks and Ten Four Technology will conduct a comprehensive Broadband Coverage Survey. We encourage everyone to participate in this project over the coming months. The more data we collect, the better we can assess the status and needs for High River.
How Does the Broadband Survey Benefit the High River Community?
Completing broadband coverage surveys helps the Town to:
- Improve internet access in business areas, which boosts productivity, supports economic growth, and ensures everyone can get online.
- Provide faster data speeds and better communication, making it easier to use online tools and helping the community thrive.
- Enhance internet coverage for residents, giving them better access to online services, healthcare resources, and government services.
How can you help support this initiative?
Everyone’s input will help to identify areas of High River that lack sufficient coverage, to advocate for improvements from Internet Service Providers.
- Visit highriver.ca/broadband for step-by-step instructions on how to participate in the Broadband Survey and Internet Speed Testing Map.
Business Owners/Operators:
- Ten Four Technology representatives will contact/visit all businesses within Town limits to complete a comprehensive Broadband Coverage Survey, identifying business needs and unsupported areas of the Town. Please share openly about any internet challenges you regularly experience.
- Encourage other businesses and partners to participate in the surveys.
This project supports Council's Broadband Advocacy Strategic Priority (Corporate Services, Priority #1) by providing accurate data for High River, which can be used to determine eligibility for grant funding to create or update internet services within our community.
Next steps: Once data has been collected and analyzed, it will be presented to Town Council for additional direction and project next steps. Watch for more information once the survey is completed later in 2024.
For additional information, definitions, and ways to participate in the survey, please visit our Broadband Coverage webpage.
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For more information:
Town of High River