Watch for 2023 Budget Polls on Social Media and the Website

by Town of High River
Community Council 2025 Municipal Budget
HIGH RIVER – The Town of High River is sharing information with residents as planning for next years’ budget ramps up. A series of short polls will also be shared on the Town’s official social media channels – Facebook, Twitter and Instagram – over the coming weeks. Results of the polls will help identify areas of interest within the community. Watch for the first poll questions this week!
Polls will also be shared on the Town’s website, along with information about the budget process. By taking part, YOU will help the Town to identify additional information to be shared with the community:
- The first polls are designed to gauge respondents’ municipal budget knowledge, followed by more in-depth poll questions.
- By reviewing poll results, the Town will respond to resident questions and suggestions with additional information.
- Social media polls will occur for approximately four weeks with new questions every week. All poll questions will be shared on the website on September 12.
- Visit the 2023 Budget Page on the Town's website for regular updates and information
Even though we just passed the half-way mark of the 2022 budget year, the timeline and methods for preparing the Town’s annual budgets ensure as much planning and discussion as possible. Steps include:
- Inviting residents to respond to budget poll questions and request information as the budget process shapes up, answer questions, and provide regular updates.
- Strategic Priorities discussions by Council and Administration to identify important capital and operating projects for 2023, helping determine what the Town can spend while maintaining high quality services to residents.
- Developing a new, community-driven Town Plan that identifies how High River should grow and develop from now to 2042, including potential budget initiatives for 2023 and coming years.
- Holding open and transparent budget discussions during regular meetings of Council and encouraging residents to attend.
All financial information related to the budget as well as updates to Council’s Strategic Priorities are posted on the Town’s website. Residents are invited to watch Council agendas and be sure to attend Council meetings with items of interest.
Watch for ongoing poll questions by following the Town of High River’s website and social media channels. Be sure to subscribe to our news to receive information about the Budget, other topics, or all news - directly to your email inbox.
For more information:
Town of High River