Live Streaming Service Temporarily Suspended as Council Meetings Continue in Town Hall

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by Town of High River



HIGH RIVER – High River’s Town Council meetings have recently moved back to Joint Council Chambers located at Town Hall on Macleod Trail. Town Hall’s technology is currently being upgraded to accommodate live-streaming. Until the technology is installed, live-streaming meetings online is temporarily suspended.

Meetings have been streamed live online and available on YouTube since 2020, as Council members met remotely using Zoom technology. We appreciate that residents who can’t attend in person find these online, recorded meetings valuable to stay informed of Council decisions and discussions.

The Town looks forward to resuming with live-streaming Council meetings and making use of it to connect with the community in other ways. The upgrades should be installed by the end of July. Residents will be informed when live-streaming resumes.

Everyone is welcome to attend Council meetings in person until then. Please note:

Agendas and minutes are published on the Town website.

Individuals or Delegations wishing to address Council at meetings must attend in person until live-streaming resumes. Find more information about addressing Council on the Town website.

Public Hearings will be held in Council Chambers and will not be live-streamed until the new technology is in place. Notice is provided about Public Hearings prior to the meeting date.

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