Legislative & Advisory Services
Legislative & Advisory Services supports Administration and Council, coordinating Council meetings, opportunities for public participation and compliance with Alberta's Municipal Government Act.

Legislative & Advisory Services
High River's Legislative & Advisory Services Team has a thorough knowledge of Alberta's local government's legislative, legal, and corporate responsibilities. The Legislative & Advisory Services division offers support to Administration, Council, and the Community in the following ways:
- Ensure Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act compliance. Find out more information about the FOIP Process.
- Arrange support for Councils, Boards and Committees.
- Facilitate Council meetings, agendas and minutes, including live broadcasts of Council meetings.
- Ensure opportunities for public participation through public hearings and public notices.
- Facilitate community engagement and outreach on behalf of Council and Administration.
- Oversee the municipal election process.
- Assist with the development of bylaws, policies, and procedures.
- Coordinate community recognition and requests for Mayor and Council participation or support.
- Corporate Properties and Risk Management.
Legislative & Advisory Services Forms
- Request to Correct Personal Information
- Property Inquiry Form
- General Public Reporting Form
- Routine Disclosure Request to Access Information
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP)
- Municipal Displays of Respect and Support (Flag Raising, Light Illumination, Proclamations)
- Letter of Support Request Form
Important Information Regarding Mayor and Council
Council Meetings
Council meetings are usually held in Council Chambers, in Town Hall | 309B Macleod Trail SW, High River AB T1V IZ5.
Council meetings are streamed live on YouTube at youtube.com/@townofhighriver. Recordings of past meetings are also available on the Town's YouTube channel. The public is encouraged to watch and participate when appropriate.
Please contact Legislative Services with any questions.
Public Comments
Public Comments
The public comments portion of the Council agenda is an opportunity for the public and stakeholders to share information, views, and concerns about a matter that Council is deciding on as part of that meeting. Residents and stakeholders may not utilize the public comments portion to speak on an item that has or will be heard in a public hearing.
Public Comments are:
- On every agenda, there is a chance to be heard by the Council in a public forum.
- An opportunity for people to provide short comments or statements to Council for consideration.
- Not a dialogue but Council may ask questions or seek more information.
Public Comments Process - What to Expect:
- The Mayor calls the Council meeting to order.
- Council will then adopt the agenda and the previous meeting minutes.
- The Mayor will ask anyone who has public comments to speak. The individual who wishes to speak must state and spell their name and provide their municipal address for the record.
- Once public comments are concluded, Council will proceed with the agenda balance.
- Those who choose to speak during the public comments section are given up to 5 minutes to speak.
What to expect when attending to give public comments
How do I Register to Speak?
- To speak to the Council in person, you may identify your desire to speak at the meeting. When live streaming of Council meetings resumes, you must complete the Request to Speak at a Council Meeting form.
What if I Cannot Attend the Meeting?
- Suppose you are unable to attend the meeting. In that case, you can participate by completing the Authorization to Speak on Someone's Behalf form in advance and arranging for somebody to share your comments with Council.
What Happens After Public Comments are Received?
- Once public comments are received, Council will proceed with the meeting agenda.
Public Hearings
Public Hearings
Public Hearings are your chance to share your views about specific projects and proposals directly with Council during a regular Council meeting. A Public Hearing may be called by Council as a formal way to receive feedback and hear opinions before a decision is made.
Public Hearings are:
- Project specific - Council invites people to provide information in various ways; a date is set for a hearing.
- An opportunity for participants to speak to the project or issue.
- Intended to provide public comments and information that may influence Council decisions.
- An opportunity for dialogue and questions; Council may recommend further action or follow-up.
Learn more about Public Hearings and how you can participate
Please contact Legislative Services with any questions.
Delegation/Presentation to Council Requests
Public Delegations
- A form is required for delegation; based on information a decision is made to determine going ahead - information on the form helps understand the purpose.
- People present information only, not usually a dialogue, Council listens.
- Information should be relevant to the Town and to Council.
- No expectation/guarantee there will be any outcome from the presentation or comments - Council may respond by seeking more information or recommending a course of action.
- In accordance with page 21, #145 through #150, of the Council Procedure Bylaw 4590/2021, presentations should be concise and kept to 5 minutes.
Delegation/Presentation to Council Requests
Please contact Legislative Services with any questions.
Boards & Committees
The Town appreciates dedicated volunteers and community stakeholders who contribute time and ideas to important Boards and Committees. Watch the Town's social media channels for information regarding current Board and Committee opportunities. Visit this portal for more information.
- Alberta Foothills Industrial Corridor Association
- Calgary Metropolitan Region Board - Intermunicipal Servicing Committee
- Calgary Metropolitan Region Board - Land Use Committee
- Calgary Metropolitan Region Board - Land Use Committee & Intermunicipal Servicing Committee
- Calgary Metropolitan Regional Board
- Committee of the Whole (Mayor)
- Intermunicipal Committee
- Organizational Meeting
- Regular Council
- Special Council (Mayor)
- Town Plan Task Force (Mayor)
FOIP Requests
The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the 'FOIP Act') provides access to records held by the Town of High River, including access to an individual's personal information or general information.
Before making a formal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) request to the Town of High River, it is recommended that you contact the FOIP Coordinator in the Legislative & Advisory Services division at foip@highriver.ca for information about and to inquire how to accurately and efficiently submit your request.
Please follow this link for detailed information on how to make a request.
Corporate Properties & Risk Management
Corporate Properties & Risk Management serves as a resource to provide cost-effective, professional management of:
- Municipal assets and the related legal agreements for users, tenants and operators of those assets;
- Municipal insurance program including incident and claims management;
- Municipal Business Continuity Plan; and
- Municipal Risk Management.
Corporate Properties & Risk Management works with members of the community under the following circumstances:
- Community Safety for reports of hazards or damages
- Land Purchases and Sales including permanent road closures
Click here for more details about Corporate Properties & Risk Management
Routine Disclosure Request to Access Information
A Routine Disclosure request is required to access information that is made publicly available that the Town of High River holds. The form below is intended to request access to records of Permits, Real Property Reports, and Structural Drawings. If you are unsure of the type of request and want to inquire how to submit your request efficiently, please contact the Legislative & Advisory Services division at legislativeservices@highriver.ca.
Please click the following link to access the form: Routine Disclosure Request to Access Information Form.
If your request is related to any other information beyond Permits, Real Property Reports, and Structural Drawings, it will fall under a Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) request; please fill out the FOIP - Request to Access Information form found on the Town website.
We're here to help, contact us!
309B Macleod Trail S.W., High River, Alberta
Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm (Closed on statutory holidays)
Media Requests: communications@highriver.ca
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